We reviewed the footage from the choreography shoot on the 5th and then edited it with some already captured VHS footage to start getting an idea on how the final video would shape up.
In the animatic we experimented with using the beat of the song for editing so we applied this to the test:
This video was very promising. Although we only have the LS establishing shot which looks quite boring now, when we are able to cut to different shot types on the beat- I feel like this is going to look very striking. Even from the short clip above that we produced, I can tell that it is going to have the style we want. My only issue are the black lines around the VHS shots due to the 4:3 ratio. I think the contrast in quality between the HD and VHS is strong enough, the black lines, for me, just look bad and are confusing.
Hi, I'm Vivian. I study Media, English Literature, Product Design and Biology at Latymer, and this is my media blog.
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"NTLS - Heart Skipped A Beat" Music Video
Our Music Video
NTLS Self-Titled Digipak Cover

NTLS Self-Titled Digipak Cover
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