Hello and Welcome to my A-Level Media Blog. My Name is Vivian Oparah [0621]. On this project, I have been in Group 5 and worked with Louis Caldwell [0131], Sebastian Hodge [0330] and Joshua Brooks [0110]. To navigate around my blog, you can click any of the headings under the 'Labels' subtitle on the side of the page - this will filter posts into the various stages of the project.
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Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy my blog!

"NTLS - Heart Skipped A Beat" Music Video

Our Music Video

NTLS Self-Titled Digipak Cover

NTLS Self-Titled Digipak Cover
NTLS Self-Titled Digipak Cover

NTLS Website

NTLS Website
Right-click the image and select "Open link in new tab" as this will take you to the official NTLS site

Sunday, 19 October 2014


After brainstorming some ideas for what could happen in the narrative, we began to put together our storyboard.

We created the storyboard by mapping out the shots in chronological order which made the animatic easier to create as there was a clear guide of what was needed where (this was especially helpful if someone was working on the animatic without other another group member). 
The green post-it notes were used for the shots within the studio, they have drawings on them because they were easier to map out.
The orange post-it notes were used for the VHS shots, they have writing on them because drawing exactly what we wanted the footage to look like would be quite long and too difficult.

Shot type and any action within the shot was written in the top corner of the note and necessary lyrics were written underneath to aid the editing of the animatic.
The use of post-it notes made it very easy to move around shot ideas, and envision what would work and what wouldn't work. 

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