Personally, I think our group is working wonderfully together. We all bring different things to the table and make up where each other lack so across the group we have quite a strong skill set.
Moving forward into post-production, we decided to split the tasks to maximise time and work to the strengths of the group.
Music Video Edit:We decided it was best if Josh and I edited the music video. This was the most amount of work so it was necessary if two of us were assigned to complete it. Josh is very skilled with editing and so we can benefit from that aspect. I am quite good at editing but I mostly very creative and have a good 'eye' for what looks good which the group trust a lot, so they can rely on me to decide which shots go where.
Seb and I also have a lot of frees together so he will be feeding into this aspect aswell. Seb is very pragmatic which will be useful if I get worked up about something going wrong in the edit. He is also good at editing so can take over.
Album Cover:
Louis recreationally uses PhotoShop so is very skilled on it, with the group deciding together on what we wanted the album cover to look like, Louis would find it really easy to recreate our ideas on PhotoShop. He is very creative and practical so this was ideal for him.
Josh is also quite good on PhotoShop sometimes they would work collaboratively on the album cover.
Seb is an incredibly fast learner and is also very creative, so using Wix was fine for him, especially after the group mapped out together what each page of the site would look like.
Louis and I who are both quite creative also fed into the creation of certain pages.
This is just a format for who was mainly responsible for doing what, but truly we all fed into each others work and were constantly asking each other for advice and feedback so each artefact remains a group effort.
Weekly afterschool meetings allowed us to map out where we were at with everything and what needed to be done going forward/ Although our group could sometimes have what would appear to be a laid-back attitude, we always remained on task. To improve, we need to communicate more with our teachers so we can constantly get feedback on how to improve our own work.
Hi, I'm Vivian. I study Media, English Literature, Product Design and Biology at Latymer, and this is my media blog.
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Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy my blog!
"NTLS - Heart Skipped A Beat" Music Video
Our Music Video
NTLS Self-Titled Digipak Cover

NTLS Self-Titled Digipak Cover
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